2 minute read

This post explains how to test if a value is numeric. It is strange to me that there is not a built in method for this. And if there is, I would rather use it!


If you just want to use a module, use is-numeric that I wrote as part of this effort.

pip install is-numeric

Really simple. A method to test if a value is_numeric.

from is_numeric import is_numeric
print( is_numeric(1) )           # True
print( is_numeric(-1) )          # True
print( is_numeric(123) )         # True
print( is_numeric(123.456) )     # True
print( is_numeric("123.456") )   # True
print( is_numeric("x") )         # False
print( is_numeric("1x") )        # False

The rest of this post will explain different approaches.

Notes on the algorithm

I tested 4 algorithms:

  • str.isinstance
  • error-driven
  • regex
  • regex (plus str.isinstance)


Using the built in .isinstance is limited in functionality, as it only looks for all characters being a digit, and fails on ‘-1’ or ‘1.2’. Thus discard this approach.

def _str_isnumeric(value):
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
        return True
    if isinstance(value, str) and value.isnumeric():
        return True
    return False


This is ugly in that it relies on errors in flow control. I hate it. It is like nails on chalk board to me. (spoiler alert: it is the most efficient of the test approaches)

def _is_numeric_using_error(value):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False


This seems elegant. Check for a pattern.

def _is_numeric_regex(value):
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
        return True
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return bool(re.match(r"^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$", value))
    return False

regex (plus str.isinstance)

The regex solution, with a small change to check if all numeric digits prior to doing regex.

def _is_numeric_regex_plus_isnumeric(value):
    if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
        return True
    if isinstance(value, str) and value.isnumeric():
        return True
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return bool(re.match(r"^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$", value))
    return False

Performance Comparison

I ran a very non-scientific test.

Create a list of inputs, with a mix of float/int, strings that represent numeric values, and non-numeric values. Iterate x time over the list for a given algorithm. Repeat for each algorithm.


  • % of inputs that are non-numeric (theory is that error-driven will perform better when the value is numeric, and less efficient when the value cannot be cast to float and an error is raised)

When most values are numeric 1 (0-50%), the error-driven approach outperforms other approaches (up to 3x).
When most values are non-numeric 2 (80%), the regex (plus str.isinstance) approach has a very slight advantage (4%).

without knowning the % of non-numeric values, it is recommended to use the error-driven approach. As such, the error-drive approach is exposed through the is_numeric function in this package.

Raw Data

const: iterations=1000000

Algorithm % Non-Numeric Time in Seconds Iterations per Second
is_numeric_regex_plus_isnumeric 0.0 4.1 239,459.52
is_numeric_using_error 0.0 1.4 680,668.39
is_numeric_regex 0.0 4.7 211,903.44
is_numeric_regex_plus_isnumeric 0.2 5.8 169,665.37
is_numeric_using_error 0.2 3.2 303,433.65
is_numeric_regex 0.2 6.3 156,751.32
is_numeric_regex_plus_isnumeric 0.5 10.6 93,566.92
is_numeric_using_error 0.5 8.3 119,920.32
is_numeric_regex 0.5 10.8 92,182.89
is_numeric_regex_plus_isnumeric 0.8 29.7 33,612.89
is_numeric_using_error 0.8 28.5 35,076.76
is_numeric_regex 0.8 28.4 35,162.57
  1. numeric = float/int, strings that represent numeric values 

  2. non-numeric = strings that cannot be cast to float/int 


